God of War Ghost of Sparta HD (2011) [ENG]
God of War Ghost of Sparta HD (2011) [ENG]
The game of God of War series, which previously was available only in versions of the PlayStation Portable. The title has been adapted for display on HD TV and dual analogcontroller knobs PlayStation 3
Ghost of Sparta story takes place right after the first series of reads, which took awayKratos Ares and ascended to Olympus as the new god of war. It turns out that the newpowers of the hero may not be enough to stop harassing him nightmares of the past. Todeal with its dark history, a brutal warrior must embark on a new journey.
Kratos could not do without the new combat capabilities. The Ghost of Sparta, of course,the hero makes use of specific blades Athens and many other weapons. What is new isthe ability to perform batch, during which the warrior grabs the opponent and throws himagainst the wall. Kratos repertoire was enriched with punches in the air, killing enemies,new animations and a few other elements (such as spear and shield). Of course, returnsthe system to collect energy and experience points and character development. In somelocations we also need to solve simple riddles and puzzles.
1) copy files to a FAT32 USB Key / USB Disk
2) install game * DUPLEX *. .*. Install1.pkg and Install2.pkg
3) install game * DUPLEX .*. Install3.and.Crack.pkg
Download link:
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